Back to In-person Rehearsals |
In late October 2021, we returned to our rehearsal hall in Christ Church Beaurepaire for our first in-person rehearsal since March 2020. It was exhilarating and confusing; singing with masks on and standing 2 meters apart, but also exciting to see everyone and to sing together for the first time in such a long time. Our singing was a little hesitant at first, but we soon adapted to the new situation and improved with every rehearsal. We continued to have in-person rehearsals every 2 weeks until mid-December 2021 and then took a break for the holidays. We were very hopeful that we would be able to go back to weekly rehearsals and in time get back on the risers again in the new year.
Unfortunately, things took a different turn on December 31st, 2021, and we are back where we were a year ago at the same time; back to zoom rehearsals every 2 weeks. Hopefully, this is just a minor setback and we will soon be able to resume our in-person rehearsals and gradually return to our regular practice routines. Never stop believing!
We are thrilled that we had (4) new members join the chorus in 2021; Allison Bevan, Vickie Louwet, Si Young Park, and Chantal Turgeon. We are so happy they made this decision and are looking forward to having a great time together.
Educational Opportunities |
No matter the circumstances, Sweet Adelines continues to offer excellent development opportunities to its members.
- January 21 and 22, 2022 Region 1 is hosting Winter 1-Derland; a series of workshops for singers, barbershoppers, and performers. These sessions are free for Region 1 members, and US $20 for non-members. Find the details here.
- February 5 and 6, 2022 Debra Lynn, our Bel Canto coach, is hosting a Singers Symposium Webinar bringing together nine vocal instructors sharing their vocal approaches, insights & wisdom in these transformative times. More details can be found here.
Support the Acappella Sounds Chorus |
Under normal (non-Covid) circumstances we hold several fundraising activities throughout the year; concession stand at Stewart Hall during Cultural Rendez-Vous, Spaghetti Quartetti, shows, and concerts. However, since March 2020 we have not been able to do anything to keep our finances on track.
But there are other ways in which you can support the chorus. We have created a Support section on our website, highlighting the different ways people can support the chorus.
You can purchase gift cards to give to family and friends or for yourself via Fundscrip, or buy fabric or wallpaper from our collection on Spoonflower. Both these organizations give us a commission on the orders received through our account. Or you can also make a simple donation via Canada Helps, and receive a receipt for any donation of $20 or more.
Check it out here.
We are hopeful that 2022 will be an important year for Acappella Sounds Chorus. Back to regular rehearsals, a new director, preparing for competition, a concert... you never know what can happen in a year if we work hard.
If you want to know what we're up to, follow us is Facebook; we have new postings twice a week.
Missed an issue? Here's where you can find it... |
Our newsletter is published quarterly. If you missed an issue or would like to revisit one of our previous issues you can find them on our website here.